Will a parts washer remove rust?

Jul 31, 2023 | Matt Reed

Yes, a parts washer can help remove rust from parts, depending on the type and severity of the rust and the cleaning solution used. Parts washers are designed to clean and degrease various types of contaminants, including rust, grease, oil, dirt, and other residues, from the surfaces of parts.

To effectively remove rust using a parts washer, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Choose the Right Cleaning Solution: Select a cleaning solution that is specifically formulated to remove rust. Some parts washers use solvent-based cleaning solutions, while others use water-based detergents. Make sure the cleaning solution is compatible with the material of the parts being cleaned.
  2. Pre-treatment: For heavy rust, you may need to pre-treat the parts before placing them in the parts washer. This pre-treatment can involve using rust removers, penetrants, or wire brushing to loosen and remove loose rust flakes.
  3. Submerge the Parts: Place the parts in the parts washer and submerge them in the cleaning solution. Ensure that the solution covers all surfaces, including areas with rust.
  4. Agitation or Ultrasonic Cleaning: If your parts washer has an agitating or ultrasonic cleaning function, use it to enhance the cleaning process. Agitation or ultrasonic cavitation can help dislodge rust particles and contaminants from the parts' surfaces.
  5. Dwell Time: Allow the parts to soak in the cleaning solution for an appropriate dwell time. This gives the cleaning solution enough time to dissolve and remove the rust effectively.
  6. Rinse: After the cleaning cycle is complete, rinse the parts thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual cleaning solution and dissolved rust particles.
  7. Drying and Protection: Dry the parts completely and consider applying a rust inhibitor or protective coating to prevent future rust formation.

It's essential to note that the effectiveness of rust removal depends on the severity of the rust and the type of parts washer and cleaning solution used. For heavy or stubborn rust, you may need to use more specialized rust removers or consider mechanical methods such as sandblasting or wire brushing before using the parts washer.

Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for your specific parts washer and cleaning solution to ensure safe and effective rust removal without damaging the parts' surfaces.